Information about Dr. Reckeweg Amyl nitrosum
Amyl nitrosum is also known as amylenum nitrosum or nitrite of amyl. It is a chemical compound with chemical formula C5H11NO2.
Potency: 3X/6/30/200
Product Origin: Germany
Key uses/benefits:
- Angina pectoris and cardiac conditions with constriction about the throat as if collar is too tight, fullness of chest with difficulty breathing and spasmodic cough. The action of the heart is tumultuous with fluttering at the least excitement.
- Climacteric discomforts such as headache, deep facial flushing, anxiety and palpitations about the chest, and pulsations all over the body.
- Headache with surging of blood to the head and face as if blood would come through the skin with heat, throbbing, and redness.
- Fever with flushing of heat at times followed by profuse sweat and throbbing throughout the body.