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Dr. Reckeweg R23 Eczema Drops



Information about Dr. Reckeweg R23 Eczema Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R23 Eczema Drops is a homeopathic medicine for eczema, pimples, herpes, rashes

Size: 22 ml

Product Origin: Germany

Key Benefits:

  • It helps to cure from Acute and chronic eczema, pimples, herpes, rashes, eschar.



  • Apis mellifica
  • Arsen. alb
  • Rhus Tox
  • Sulfur


Directions for use:

  • In the morning and evening 10-15 drops in some water for a longer period of time.

Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Additional Information


Arsen. album D30, Apis mellifica D30, Rhus Toxicodendron D30, Sulfur D30, Ethanol, Aqua pur.

Mode of action:

  • Apis mellifica: Oedematous and erysipelatous circumscribed swelling,stabbing inflammation of serous coat, itching dermatosis.
  • Arsen. alb.: Dryness of the skin with formation of scales, eczema with formation of blisters turning into pustules and eschar. Dandruff. Thick, scaly eczema of scalp with stinking pus.
  • Rhus Tox.: Erysipelatous skin, formation of reddish blisters. Erythema turning rapidly into blisters, often accompanied by oedema. Formation of pus and eschar. Skin around eczema is red and inflamed.
  • Sulfur.: Rashes, acne, pustules healing slowly. Sulfur is very effective when the eczema has been suppressed by salves.Remarks:
  • In chronic eczema constitutional improvements may be achieved by adding R 21 daily 10-15 drops.
  • To improve immune response: additionally R 26.
  • In scarlet fever and infections accompanied by skin changes: see R 1.
  • In herpes zoster: see R 68.
  • In psoriasis: see R 65.
  • In craddle cap: compare R 34.
  • In measles: see R 62.
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