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Dr. Reckeweg R67 Circulatory Debility Drops



Information about Dr. Reckeweg R67 Circulatory Debility Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R67 Circulatory Debility Drop is a homeopathic formulation to improve your blood circulation.

Size: 22 ml

Product Origin: Germany

Key Benefits:

  • It is used for acute circulatory disturbances, including circulatory shock. It is effective for cardiogenic shock following cardiac failure.
  • The medicine helps in circulatory disturbances after infectious diseases and injuries.
  • It is also used for chronic circulatory disturbances with a tendency to syncope, vertigo, and a sensation of imbalance.


Key Ingredients:

  • Ammonium carbonic.
  • Acid. hydrocyanic.
  • Camphora
  • Carbo vegetabilis
  • Crotalus Cascavella
  • Tabacum
  • Veratrum



Directions For Use:

  • In acute circulatory shock repeat 1/4 to ‘/2 hourly.
  • If necessary give every 5 minutes 10-15 drops with or without water.
  • Once improvement commences repeat the remedy less frequently.
  • In chronic circulatory disturbances give 10 to 15 drops in water 3 times daily before meals over a variable period of time.

Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Additional Information


  • Ammonium carbonic. D2, Acid. hydrocyanic. D 6, Camphora D 2, Carbo vegetabilis D 30, Crotalus Cascavella D12, Tabacum D6, Veratrum D 4.

Mode of action:

  • All remedies improve the circulation and strengthen the heart.
  • Ammon. carb.: Weak rapid pulse with perspiration and fear of death.
  • Acid. hydrocyan.: Cardiogenic shock with icy cold perspiration and impending respiratory arrest. Syncope and sudden collapse.
  • Camphora: An analeptic in circulatory collapse together with cold sweat,pallor and cyanosis. Almost imperceptible pulse.
  • Carbo veg.: Burning in chest as from glowing coals together with debility and palpitations. Shortness of breath, anxiety.
  • Crotalus Cascavella: Cardiac insufficiencies with tendency to shockparticularly due to bacterial toxins. Circulatory disturbances of post infective genesis.
  • Tabacum: Almost imperceptible pulse with pallor in the face, cold sweat and nausea.
  • Veratrum: Total circulatory shock, cold sweat, imperceptible pulse, cold blue hands, fainting on rising (orthostatic).


  • In acute myocardial infarction give without delay the following three remedies: R 67, R 55, R 2.
  • Alternate the 3 remedies every 5-10 minutes to begin with depending on severity of case. Thereafter slowly increase the intervals between administration of the alternating remed1/2 to ‘/2 to 1 to 2 hourly.
  • As patient improves and there is no further shock give R 3 and alternate
  • with R 2 in order to prevent permanent damage to the myocardium. In circulatory disturbances during menopause give R 10.
  • In hypotonic cases alternate R 67 with R 44.
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