Information about Dr Reckeweg R 35 Teething Aches Drops
Dr Reckeweg R35 Teething Aches Drop is a homeopathic formulation for treatment of teething aches.
Size: 22 ml
Product Origin: Germany
Key Benefits:
- It Helps to cure Painful dentition.
- It Helps to dental cramps delayed teething.
- It Cure From Adult toothaches in certain cases.
- It Helps to cure from Disorders affecting the dentition.
Ingredients: Aconitum D 6, Bryonia D 30, Calcium carbon. Hahnem. D 30, Chamomilla
D4, Colocynthis D12, Ignatia D 30, Staphisagria D8, Ethanol, Aqua pur.
Mode of action: The therapeutic effects devolve from the action of its potentised constituents.
Aconitum: Feverish conditions; ailments occurring from chills under one guise or the other, coinciding or alternating with toothaches.
Bryonia: Inflammation of serous skins.
Calc. carb.: Acts on the development of the teeth, facilitating teething.
Chamomilla: Excitement, tendency to cry, toothaches.
Colocynthis: Excited conditions; throbbing pains; agitation; fits of violent anger.
Ignatia: Hysterical reactions; continual whimpering; nervous excitation.
Staphisagria: Excitation of the nerves and unseemly behaviour in children; continual whimpering and moaning.
The action of R 35 decreases the pains and inflammation suddenly occuring in various conditions of excitement and frequently preceding illness brought about by a chill, such as bronchitis, eventually also before measles. It is advisable to check the ears at the same time (otitis media).
Remarks: As complementary products: R 34 to improve the productivity of calcium
and the development of teeth.
In delayed teething, including faulty dental development: additionally R 34, once or twice a day.
In neurologic pains: compare R 70 and R 16. If accompanied by influenza: additionally R 6.
In inflammation of the dental root: R 35, in alternation with R 1 every 1/2 to 1-2 hours.
To sedate: additionally or alternately with IR 14