Information about Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Iod.
Calcarea Iodatum also known as Iodide of Lime. It is a Homoeopathic medicine made from Impure Iodide of Lime. It is reported to be useful in cancer, flatulence, glandular swellings, headache, mollitiesossium, tumours, etc.
Product Origin: Germany
Key uses/benefits:
- Calcarea iodata is useful in scrofulous affections, especially enlarged glands, tonsils etc.
- It is well indicated remedy in thyroid enlargements about time of puberty.
- It helps in flatulence. There is abdominal pain which is stabbing, piercing behind lower ribs on the right side.
- Calcarea Iodata also has marked action on glandular affections like adenoids, tonsillitis, thyroid enlargement.
- Calcarea Iodata also helps in adenoids and polypi of nose. Enlarged tonsils are filled with little crypts. Calcarea Iodata is also useful in treating uterine fibroids.
- It is also indicated in indolent ulcers of skin. There is swelling of the glands of the skin with cracked skin. Indolent ulcers accompany varicose veins.