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Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops



Information about Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops is a homeopathic medicine for cleaning arteries, heart blockage & heart valve disease.

Size: 22 ml

Product Origin: Germany

Key Benefits:

  • It addresses heart insufficiencies ranging from light to medium severity, particularly with a tendency towards edema.
  • It supports myocardial weakness in cases of valvular heart diseases.
  • It is suitable for dilatations and post-infectious myocardial weakness.
  • It is helpful in degenerative processes of the myocardium and coronary insufficiencies.
  • It is indicated for conditions such as cardiac infarction, functional irregularities, myo- and endocarditis, and hypotonia.


Key Ingredients:

  • Arsen.
  • Cactus
  • Crataegus
  • Digitalis
  • Kalium carbon.
  • Kalmia
  • Phosphorus
  • Scilla
  • Spigelia
  • Strophanthus



Directions For Use:

  • According to the weakness of the heart, 3 times daily 10-20-30 drops in some water, in the beginning of the treatment even 4-6 times daily.
  • In case of strong tendency towards hydropsy, to be taken undiluted.
  • Improvement should follow after several days only. If not, the dose should be increased, and reduced again after improvement to 20 drops, 3 times a day.
  • Even after complete disappearance of the complaints a treatment of 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day should be continued for a longer period of time.
  • Overdosing presents no danger.
  • In acute weakness of the heart, every 15 to 30 minutes 10-20 drops.


Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Additional Information


  • Arsen. alb. D5, Cactus D2, Crataegus 0, Digitalis D3, Kalium carbon. D3, Kalmia D3, Phosphorus D5, Scilla D2, Spigelia D3, Strophanthus D3.

Mode of action:

  • Increases muscular strength of the heart, caused by the following group.
  • Arsen. alb.: Heart weakness with uneasiness and anguish, mainly around
  • midnight, with orthopnea. Difficult breathing; general conditions exhaustion.
  • Cactus: Oppression with symptoms of angina pectoris. Strong pulse, suffocation.
  • Crataegus: Myodegeneratio cordis with cardiac weakness; enfeeblement of the heart during infectious diseases. Painful spasms; hypotension; tendency towards decompensation; functional irregularities.
  • Digitalis: Heart failure with cardiac dilatation.
  • Kalium carbonicum: Weakness of the heart and the cardiovascular system in endo-myocarditis. Sharp pain in the heart.
  • Kalmia: Pains extending down left arm. Chronic heart weakness with difficult breathing.
  • Acute and chronic endocarditis, following gout and rheumatism.
  • Phosphorus: Heart palpitations mainly when resting on the left side, afflux of blood to the chest and suffocation, anguish. General nervous exhaustion and hypersensitivity.
  • Scilla: Insufficiency of the cardiovascular system with dysrhythmia.
  • Decompensation phenomenon.
  • Spigelia: Strong and abnormal palpitation, low pulse, endo-myocarditis.
  • Strophanthus: Fast acting heart tonic.


  • In cardiac neurosis, angina pectoris etc., use R 2 Gold drops.
  • In myocarditis and endocarditis administer additionally R 22.
  • Decompensated heart: R 58.
  • In myocardial infarct: R 67 and R 2, follow-up with R 3.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias: R 66.
  • Cardiac neurosis: R 22.               
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