Information about Dr. Reckeweg Aletris farinosa
Aletris Farinosa is a homoeopathic remedy useful in treatment of anaemia, tiredness, exhaustion and prolapses, especially in females. It is useful remedy for females suffering from anaemia because of heavy menses, pregnancy or in weakness due to Leucorrhoea. It is helpful in conditions such as fainting with vertigo, vomiting during pregnancy, colic with flatulence and loss of appetite.
Potency: 3X/30/200
Product Origin: Germany
Key uses/benefits:
- Mind: Power and energy is weakened. There are confused feelings. Inability to concentrate the mind. Fainting, with vertigo.
- Mouth: Saliva is excessive and frothy.
- Stomach: Loss of appetite. Eating only a little causes distress. Fainting, with vertigo. Vomiting during pregnancy. Pain in abdomen from flatulence.
- Rectum: Inability to expel the feces, even though the rectum feels full. Stools are large and hard and evacuate with great pain.
- Female: Profuse menses with labor-like pains. Suitable even to those with a scanty flow. Discharge from the vagina due to weakness. Tendency to abortion. Muscle aches during pregnancy.
Other symptoms found in:
1. Head
2. Respiratory
3. Neck and Back